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Fondosil 1903

Fondosil 1903


Water-dilWater-dilutable, deep-penetrating concentrate based on Sol silicate. For priming and stabilizing silicificating mineral substrates for subsequent silicate coating. Can be brush applied.


  • low emission, preservative, solvent and plasticizer-free
  • For interior and exterior use
  • With Sol-Xtreme - sol-silicate bonding agent
  • Complies with the requirements of the Committee for the Health-related Evaluation of Building Products (AgBB)
  • Deeply penetrating
  • Stabilizing
  • For mineral substrates
  • With organic stabilizers



Approx. 100 ml/m² per layer, 200 ml/m² (premixed material).

Consumption: Approx. 100 ml/m² per coat (unthinned), approx. 200 ml/m² finished mixture (1 : 1 with water), per coat. Determine the exact consumption by means of a test application on the object to be coated.



Ordering Information

1903 / 5 l / PU 1
1903 / 10 l / PU 1