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Seminars and compact courses Brillux Academy for tradesmen

Qualified employees are a significant competitive factor. It goes without saying that specialist know-how is extremely important for delivering high-quality work. But it's also important to ensure that business skills and personal development are not neglected so that we communicate a professional image to potential customers. Use our range of professional training courses for you and your employees to set yourself apart from the competition with up-to-date, professional skills.

Compact courses:

  • Held in the Brillux branches
  • Duration: 2–3 hours
  • Free to attend


  • Mainly held at the Brillux headquarters in Münster
  • Duration: 1–3 days
  • Content: Mixture of external speakers and Brillux employees who love sharing their know-how with you
SeminarsSeminarsAll seminars are tailored to the requirements in the painting trade. Find the suitable qualification options! ..more
Compact coursesCompact coursesGet concrete and tangible information on exciting topics. Without the long journey to your Brillux branch. ..more