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Natural materials are hotter than ever in facade design. Stone doesn’t always have to mean brick: there are many other ways to visually enhance a facade using render. Various application techniques such as Canyon, Jura or Bedrock give the facade a fresh look.


Red elegance

The main focus of the Canyon technique is the linear groove texture. As a result, this glazing technique is reminiscent of sedimentary rock. A covering coat is combined with a coordinated glaze color. This emphasizes the unique stone texture in the facade design, bringing any surface to life.


Natural role model

The Jura technique is based on the natural rock of the same name and therefore features the typical irregular, wavy texture. These curves give the texture a lively appearance, resulting in impressive looks, particularly over large areas.


Urban rock

The Bedrock technique is characterized by a profiled texture. Combined with the coordinated color shade, the look of this technique is reminiscent of loose stones formed by the demolition of larger rocks or in quarries.

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