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Effect techniques

Less is more? Not always! Give your building facade that something extra with our mirror fragments and silicon carbide effect techniques, in which the material is simply blown into the fresh, textured render using a funnel-shaped gun. The results speak for themselves: with these effect techniques, the facade sparkles like a star-studded sky.

Silicon carbide

Mysterious sparkle

Now any facade can twinkle like a diamond – thanks to the addition of silicon carbide. The combination of silicon and carbon is similar to a diamond in both structure and properties. The sparkle effect is particularly impressive on dark color shades. Here, the gray grain can hardly be seen at all and only the sparkle is visible. Depending on the lighting situation and viewing angle, the facade sparkles like a star-studded night sky.

Mirror fragments

Mirror, mirror on the wall ...

The mirror fragments effect technique adds an impressive shimmer and sparkle effect to any building facade. The small, broken mirror pieces in the render twinkle like stars on a white or colored sky. An additional benefit: this special material does not require dark color shades or specific lighting conditions to deliver a glamorous sparkle effect.

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