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Natural stone.

Fans of a boss stone facade can achieve this look on an insulated facade as well. With Brillux ETICS boss stone profiles, you can retain the classic look of carved stone even on a thermally insulated facade. This replica of a boss stone facade has a particularly natural appearance, and the final surface coating can be customized depending on the color shade and texture of the finishing render.

Boss stones / Boss panels

You may recognize them from forts, castles and palaces, and not least from impressive Gründerzeit-age buildings throughout Germany and Austria: rough-hewn stone blocks (so-called bosses), which radiate strength as a facade component and effectively define first floor areas in particular. This design element has retained its impact even today. This look can be recreated in a more refined form with boss panels. They are elements for both insulating and style considerations.

Facade insulation systems

The insulated facades should look beautiful. Individual and unique. Brillux offers six perfectly coordinated ETIC systems for this purpose.



Variety in form and function: Single family home or industrial building, historical building structure or modern nurseries.
