Design and health safety – Brillux combines the two. After all, health aspects play a key role for increasingly more people when deciding whether or not to purchase a product. Our range therefore includes products that fulfill the highest environmental and health standards for every interior application.
And all that in uncompromising Brillux quality.
Preservatives are usually used in emulsion paints to prolong the shelf life. However, they can cause allergic reactions among extremely sensitive people. Anyone who wants to be completely certain will find the perfect product range at Brillux: The Vita assortment fulfills the requirements for an indoor climate that is as pure as possible.
The freedom from preservatives is a particular advantage, especially in sensitive areas such as children's bedrooms, bedrooms and living spaces. The high-quality, health-oriented emulsions also offer complete freedom for color design accents. Find out more at Interior paints.
Is it possible to combine creativity and health friendliness? Both are possible with Brillux! Holistic living concepts in which the focus is on the well-being of the people involved can be achieved with our products. This applies in particular for ELF emulsions. ELF = stands for low emission, solvent- and plasticizer-free
Brillux ELF emulsions are particularly health-compatible: Ideal for use in residential and work environments, or in sensitive environments such as kindergartens, schools and hospitals.
The Committee for the Health-related Evaluation of Building Products (AgBB), with members including the Federal Environmental Agency, has developed a standardized assessment system for emissions of volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOC) from building products for residential and communal areas.
The basis for this is the so-called chamber test: In different time intervals, emissions of highly volatile, volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds from a sample are measured. These Brillux qualities fulfill the strict AgBB criteria:
This eco-label is reserved exclusively for products with a particularly low harmful substance content or which contain recycled materials – such as the ETIC system Ecotop or the Brillux woodchip wallpaper.
Brillux needle felt floor coverings are not only extremely robust and versatile textile floor coverings, but also impress with their low-emission properties and therefore bear the Blue Angel label.
The healthy products in our paint and woodstain range: Brillux Lacryl. The coatings combine healthy living with the desired coating in interior use. They also provide high quality and durability. Brillux Lacryl reflects the latest research status and fulfills all requirements of the eco-label – for maximum health-compatibility and consistent environmental protection.
Brillux wants to create more than just a healthy living and work atmosphere. We also ensure that children can play. Our aromatics-free and water-based products therefore comply with the so-called "Toys Directive" EN 71-3. They are
Brillux has a tradition of expertise in research and development: Consequently, the development of a new generation of innovative, high-performance paints in 1996 was a logical step. Aromatics-free and with a mild odor, Impredur paints and prime coats have been among the best on the market for years.
More and more people suffer from allergies. In addition to food, they can also be triggered by additives in textiles, cosmetics or paints, such as preservatives. Preservatives are usually used to prolong the shelf life. However, they can cause allergic reactions among extremely sensitive people. Anyone who wants to be completely certain will find the perfect products at Brillux.
The new Vita range is completely free from preservatives, yet has all the strengths you would expect from a premium range. In addition to four interior emulsions – which are completely free from preservatives even when tinted – the range also includes deep penetrating primer, fabric adhesive and filler material. For a completely preservative-free build-up.
The silicate range is also free from preservatives. This is due to the alkalinity, i.e. the high pH-value of the products, which makes them suitable for allergy sufferers.
The high alkalinity of the surfaces also provides a natural protection from algae and fungi in exterior areas. In interior areas, silicate products help to prevent mold. This makes the Brillux silicate products the first choice for a healthy interior climate and monument preservation.